Cool Video Tutorials on Flash Application

Flash Extensions

Recently, I was searching on the net and came to know about the flash extensions. Flash Extensions provides quality video tutorials regarding Flash and other related technologies. The content is aimed to help those starting to build applications with Flash, those transitioning from a previous language or platform to Flash (i.e. Java or .NET), and/or those who wish to learn new techniques in programming on the Flash Platform. Many of us are visual learners and therefore can learn more quickly by watching others, especially as it applies to Flash development. Flash does not follow many of the traditional conventions of other languages, which has lead to frustration when programming in Flash. They hope to help ease that frustration with a visual learning environment.

There are more upcoming Flash 8 video tutorials on the site.

They have following video categories on site. I hope it will be more in future.

  1. Design Patterns with Actionscript
  2. Actionscript 2 Fundamentals
  3. Actionscript 2 Intermediate
  4. Flash Applications with Eclipse
  5. Flash Tips

The best thing about the tutorials is that it is free.

How to Generate Unique Auto Number with PHP & MySQL?

There is a always needs of generating unique number for various type of situation in any kind of development from shopping cart to guest book in all possible type of applications. There are so many ways to generating unique auto number in PHP. You can always use php random functions along with the time function to get the unique number.

If you are not so want to perform so much functions and length process on getting unique number, you can always use simple method of getting unique value with the use MySQL.

We can get a unique auto generated number from MySQL by creating an auto incremented field. MySQL will generate a unique number by incrementing the last number of the table and will automatically add to the auto incremented field. This is the best way to generate a trouble ticket number for a help desk system. In a school if a new student joins then all details of the student we can feed to student table and while using the insert query, MySQL will add one auto generated unique number to this auto incremented field. We need not have to specify any thing in our query while adding the auto incremented field data. After successfully adding the record we can get this unique number by using mysql_insert_id(). Now let us try how to create a such auto incremented field.

We have to make auto increment field integer ( obvious ) and also unique. The property set to auto increment. Here is the sql to create a autonumber table with one auto increment field to assign one unique ID.

CREATE TABLE `autonumber` (
`id` int(13) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

This will create one table called auto number starting with next auto number 1049. So when ever you need to get the new auto number or unique auto number value you have to just use insert query like this in your code:

Insert into autonumber (‘id’) values (‘’) or die (“MySQL Error:”.mysql_error());

This query will insert next number 1050 in to autonumber table.

You can get this newly generated auto number by the following function.

$New_AutoNumber = mysql_insert_id();

You can even combine this number with number generated with the time and random function to get more unique value.

Let me drop comment if anyone of you encounter problem in getting it?

Windows Vista Screenshots

Windows Vista

Check out fact sheet (features) of widows vista from here.

You can check out more screenshots from here.

More more more…screenshots from here.

I will definately take a atleast one ride of Windows Vista Beta 1.

Windows Vista (Formerly Codenamed Longhorn)

Windows Vista

Microsoft publically annouced that the official name of next generation OS codenamed “Longhorn” would be Windows Vista.

They also started Windows Vista Beta 1 testing for the developers and IT professionals, will now be available by August 3rd as opposed to their previous date of July 31st.

View: Windows Vista Website
View: Press Release

The new name was originally unveiled in Atlanta, Georgia at the company’s internal sales event known as the Microsoft Global Business Conference (MGB).

Download: Naming video for Vista
View: Screenshot of video

I am sure new Windows Vista will definately bring clarity to your world. Even xp clarity is still rocks.

I found so many peoples don’t like the new name Vista. I really liked it, Vista sound new vision may be take micorsoft on more top of industry.