Permanent ComboBox Prompt in Flex 2

In a morning i was checking Jesse’s website and i found that he is again having some interesting problem regarding ComboBox Prompt.

I guess, i sorted out the problem.


SWFUpload: Nice way of uploading your files

What it is?

Upload files via flash to get the flash-upload dialog goodness.

  • Only display chosen filetypes in dialog
  • Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog
  • Trigger javascript functions on start, cancel, progress and complete
  • Get file information/size before upload starts
  • Style upload buttons any way you want
  • Do progress-bars/information using valid XHTML and CSS
  • No page reloads, display uploaded files as they are finished
  • Works on all platforms/browsers that has Flash support.
  • Degrades gracefully to a normal html upload form if Flash or javascript isn’t available.

You can check it out more about if from here:

Images/Icon In ComboBox

I have noticed that many developer facing problem of how to display icon along with the selected item in combo box. I know there is no proper solution for it. Some how i managed to get it done correctly. Its still not proper way but it can be really good solution for who want to use it.

I have used Jesse Warden’s Example on Dynamic Icons in a ComboBox.

Check it out following working example:

Download: Dynamic Icon in

I didn’t tested it much, but let me know or comments here if it makes selected item unstable.

Stream Flv With PHP

There is good thread going in chattyfig mailing list regarding how to do streaming of flv using php. I had came to know that new version Buraks flvmdi flv metadata injector can be easly get the times and poistions of each frames of flv in a array. I am able to create an example video player which can request the flv file and seek, stream & play it from any given location using server side scripting php.

Its very important to insert metadata into flv using flvmdi. If your webserver is windows based then flvmdi is going to be very usefull. You can easly execute following command to insert metadata into flv.

Following PHP Code can be execute any command on shell:

ExecShellCommand("flvmdi27b.exe inputflvfile outputflvfile /k", true);

function ExecShellCommand($command, $hide=true) {
if (!($p=popen(“($command)2>&1″,”r”))) return 126;
while (!feof($p)) {
if (!$hide) print $l;
return pclose($p);

I had used Flash Video Player 2.2 done by Jeroen Wijering.

Download an example of all sources.
Download Buraks Flvmdi7b.
Download Flv Player 2.2

The only drawback is that Buraks Flvmdi is only available for windows.

I think if anyone write down for linux then it will be going to be huge. I hope someone can do something about it. :)

You can also check out same efforts by Stefan Richter on his weblog & Brad Murray on his weblog.

I think this will be really good to cut load on fcs for flv streaming and also able to save bandwidth of fcs.

Web 2.0 Conference & Video of Kevin Lynch’s Web 2.0 Session

Macromedia has annouced the Flex 2.0 family of technologies for developer application for the Flash Platform. These included Flash Player 8.5, ActionScript 3, Flex Builder 2.0, Flex Framework 2.0 and Flex Enterprise services.

Mark Anders and Sho Kuwamoto both have great posts on the announcement of Flash Player 8.5, ActionScript 3, Flex Builder 2.0, Flex Framework 2.0 and Flex Enterprise services.

Kevin Lynch all of this during a session at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco yesterday. Mike Chamber was there and recorded the 15 minutes worth video of Kevin Lynch speach session. Kevin also saw up how to make RIA in 15 minutes with the flex 2 with the use of its IDE. (Sure you will like that one).

Anyone can download video from google video link or direct link of mp4 format of video from Mike Chamber Weblog.

Now i am thinking that as freelancers or developers need to be little fast in checking and learning new technologies, beceause as soon as anyone start on making application using latest technology, there will be new technology waiting on next few sort weeks.