Deja vu?

I was checking for their new layout. They have totally change the old layout to new funky and cool layout. I seen big advertisement of hd trailers of movie named “Transformers” directed by Michael Bay

I was watching the trailer of transformers and very soon reliase that opening sequence of trailer remind me my brother FXwars winner animation Close Encounters. The opening sequence of transformers trailer shows that some UFO coming down to earth from the outer space. Sequence of landing UFO to earth are so matching and similar concept with my brother’s (Jignesh Jariwala) fxwars animation which won the fxwars challenge in 2005. This makes me so surprised.I having both small clips from the both movie.

My Bro’s Movie Close Encounters Clip
Transformer Movie Clip

Now you guyz decide who having deja vu?

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